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Cambridge Networks Network

The PhD program in Network Science at Northeastern University is a pioneering, interdisciplinary program that provides the tools and concepts aimed at understanding the structure and dynamics of networks. Students are able to work with some of the most prominent network scientists in the world; participating in cutting edge research and working with unique large-scale network datasets. Network Science students will interact with members of the network science community representing a broad range of fields, including computer science, information science, complexity, physics, sociology, communication, organizational behavior, political science, and epidemiology.
Northeastern University is a world leader in Network Science, and faculty affiliated with the program includes prominent people in the field such as Albert-László Barabási, Alessandro Vespignani, and David Lazer. A key element of the program involves careful mentoring from these faculty, and rapid involvement in the cutting edge research taking place at Northeastern. The program is structured around foundational courses in Network Science (Complex Networks and Applications, Network Science Data, and Dynamical Processes in Complex Networks), and supplemented with additional courses relevant the students’ area of research.
The priority application deadline for Fall 2016 is February 1, 2016.