About Joining Our Online Directory
Who can join the directory?
The primary aim of Cambridge Networks Network is to bring together researchers from the University of Cambridge and related institutes who are actively engaged in research on complex networks. However, we are also happy to include in our Directory researcher at other universities interested in keeping in touch and collaborating with the Cambridge networks community. Researchers at any stage of their career are welcome.
Our mailing list is open to anybody with an interest in networks and is very easy to join via the following website. Members on this list receive our regular news bulletin and occasional additional notices of interesting events.
Why should I join the directory?
The directory serves to link our 350+ members scattered across more than 40 institutes in Cambridge and beyond. By joining the directory, you will become a visible member of the CNN community (one of the nodes in this growing network).
What happens after I fill in this form?
Once you've filled in this form, we will create a basic entry for you in our directory (name, email, department). You will then be able to log-in to our website, navigate to your profile and edit it yourself, adding extra information.
What shall I include in my profile?
Your name, department and e-mail address are of course essential. While it is not compulsory to include a photograph of yourself we very strongly encourage you to do so! This will help people remember you and recognise you, but it will also make your profile a lot more attractive (people like faces).
You can also include a link to your personal webpage, some keywords related to your work and a short paragraph describing your research interests. Please only include recent publications if you are confident that you will be keeping your profile up to date.
How do you use my data?
By signing up to our directory you give us permission to display the information you give us (your name, organisation details and email address) on the CNN website. If you also sign up to our mailing list, you give us permission to send you regular newsletters and newsflashes, updating you on events and jobs in the field of network science. You can remove your profile or unsubscribe to our mailing list at any time by emailing cnninfo@hermes.cam.ac.uk.
Note about email addresses:
Access to the website is through Shibboleth authentication. Most UK insitutions use Shibboleth and Raven provides this authentication within the University of Cambridge. Whenever possible, please provide us with your University email address when registering.