I am a PhD student in the Network and Operating Systems group at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. My supervisor is Dr. Cecilia Mascolo and I am working on spatial and geographic aspects of online social networks within the Spatio-Temporal Network Analysis project. I am also involved in the International Technology Alliance (ITA)project and in the Wildsensing project.
I am a collaborator of the University of Catania ATP group, a research group for the interdisciplinary practical applications of theoretical physics created by prof. Vito Latora. I am also an associate of the Human Space Lab at Politecnico di Milano, a consultancy and research unit which focuses on space analysis and urban design with network-based approaches.
I received a Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica (comparable to a MSc in Computer Science/Engineering), from the University of Catania in July 2008.
In February 2009 I also received a Diploma degree from Scuola Superiore di Catania, an Italian university institution for higher education.