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Cambridge Networks Network


NetPlace is a new series of online seminars organised by PhD students for students in the early stages of their careers. We would like to share this with you, since we believe that it could be very useful to a lot of early researchers in this area and we want to reach as many as possible.
The aim of NetPLACE is to provide a friendly place for graduate and postgraduate international students to interact and to present new developments in the complex systems and networks-related field, as well as their difficulties during the PhD study. In fact, in the
second half of each seminar, we will discuss together one or more difficulties that PhD students may confront, trying to provide some plausible solutions.


The next talk will be on the 15th of December with Elisa Scanu (Queen Mary University of London, UK) on Investigating through mathematical model the evolutionary path of ecDNA.


You can also find the schedule for the next seminars here:

Date: Wednesday, 15th December 2022, 3.00pm UK time

Zoom link:

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